Any body who discovers my blog wil notice that there are no pictures.pls vexeth not,i kno not how 2upload pictures,dnt knw wat 2click dat wil giv me acess 2pictures,bsides,im operating dis whole blog thingy from my mobile if anybody has an idea of wat i should do dat wil upload pictures,pls holler. :) wil blog lata,hav plenty 2gist u!:-*
Where do you wnat to upload the pics ? on your profile or on the posts ? email me I'll help you out x
ReplyDeleteOh my Gaaad! My knightess in shining armour! I want2upload on my posts..decorate it with pics n al dat.ur email addy? Or is it spsd 2b smwhere on dis blog?
ReplyDeleteN on my profile 2!